Unbelievably easy to make with only 10 ingredients, this can be enjoyed warm or cold. Serve it warm to unexpected guests as dessert or whip it up while the kids are at kindy!


Blueberries - 10-12
Powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon
Honey - 1/2 cup
Coconut oil - 2 tablespoons
Curd - 1/2 Cup
Eggs - 2
Lime - ½
Flour - 2 cups
Salt - ½ tablespoon
Oil - 1 tablespoon


Firstly sugar coat all the blueberries on a plate.
Take a large bowl.
Add curd, 2 eggs, squeeze half a lime.
Add flour and salt and using a hand blender or a spoon, mix all these ingredients together.
Finally add sugar-coated blueberries into the batter.

Grease a dish with oil.
Fill batter to the half of the dish, as it will rise.
Bake for about 30 min and let it cool completely later.
Cut into slices.